View from the Pew He's a Marked Man: A teacher's confrontation with the meaning of Ash Wednesday By James Calvin Schaap
Resources Whom do you seek? A sunrise communion service for a small congregation By Sophie Mathonnet-VanderWell , Stephen Mathonnet-VanderWell
Perspectives Shareholders in God's company: an Easter series on the benefits of the resurrection, page 2 of 2
Perspectives The Joy of Singing in Canon: Guidelines and Resources for Using Canons in Worship By John D. Witvliet
Editorial The Friday Voice of Faith: A serious theology of the cross requires a serious practice of the lament psalms By Walter Brueggemann
Perspectives AHA! The children and worship program has changed the way children meet with God By Cecilia Mereness
Perspectives Shareholders in God's company: an Easter series on the benefits of the resurrection, page 1 of 2 By Robert De Moor
Perspectives Let the words sink in: advice for weary worship committees By Claudia De Vries Beversluis
Perspectives Washing before eating: what footwashing taught our congregation about humility By Ruth Hofman