Phil Majorins

Phil Majorins is director of worship with his wife, Sarah, at Christ Church Davis, a Christian Reformed church plant in Northern California. Philip also curates a weekly digital newsletter containing music, prayer, and Scripture resources based on the weekly lectionary texts (

By this author

  • “Worship the Lord with reverence, and rejoice with trembling.” (Psalm 2:11)

    “…the only true and salutary joy is that which arises from resting in the fear and reverence of God.” — John Calvin, commenting on Psalm 2

  • It’s been a good year to reflect on Reformed identity in the context of corporate worship. The 500th anniversary of the Reformation has provided ample opportunity to revisit the roots of our joint worship distinctives and practices. There is nothing more “reformed” than going back to the sources to reorient ourselves toward faithfulness in the present.  

  • I have a confession. I’m a Reformed Protestant worship director who attends Mass at a Catholic parish on a regular basis. Others in my position will understand that Sunday is a “working day,” and not always conducive to the kind of Sabbath rest and worship necessary for healthy discipleship. Saturday night Mass is something I look forward to for perspective, prayer, and nourishment. In fact, it is the only Saturday night service in our town that I am drawn to attend on a regular basis. Why? Because all the others tend to leave me frazzled or anxious.