

Thank you for the March 1999 issue of Reformed Worship. You have an excellent resource that is wide-ranging in scope and stimulating in content. We are doing some training for U.S. Navy and Marine chaplains this year, and have included a number of articles from your publication in the training manual (with permission, of course). So, your good work is being multiplied across the world.

W. Charles Arn, President
Church Growth, Inc.
Monrovia, California


In response to your request for stories or ways prayer has helped to enrich our congregational worship, I would like to submit the following:

At Redeemer CRC in Sarnia, Ontario, we occasionally ask members of the congregation—men and women who have demonstrated a sensitivity to the needs of others and who feel comfortable leading in worship—to offer the congregational prayer.

The needs of our congregation vary across a wide spectrum. By allowing people of different walks of life to express these needs in terms of their own personal perspectives, we think the entire congregation will be better represented over a period of time.

Participants in the program have discovered that it’s a positive experience for them as well.

Alice Rooy, for the Worship Committee
Redeemer Christian Reformed Church
Sarnia, Ontario


I have used and appreciated Reformed Worship for its unique blending of creativity and sound theology. It provides worship resources that speak to our modern world while not abandoning the world of the Bible. It shows how head and heart can come together in worship. Thank you for your ministry, and I pray God will continue to use and bless you.

Gregory D. Seckman, pastor
Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
Gaithersburg Maryland

At virtually every church I have served as Minister of Worship, I have insisted that they subscribe to Reformed Worship magazine. Now that I am on the staff of Westminster Presbyterian Church here in Cincinnati, I shall be doing the same.

Andre Strydom, Minister of Worship and Music
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Cincinnati, Ohio

We continue to benefit from Reformed Worship. At least twice a year we use some rendition of the series/ideas in it. Does it get any better? I guess that’s just meant to be a word of encouragement to you and your staff to keep up the good work! Blessings all around!

Rich De Vries, Pastor
Prairie Lane Christian Reformed Church
Omaha, Nebraska


I’m tucked away in a valley between the Rocky mountains and the Purcell mountains in British Columbia and would very much like to know if as a church we might purchase a set of the pottery shown on the front cover of RW 48.

I imagine you may have had other requests for the same, but I thought I would at least ask to see if you could perhaps give me a contact person. I hope this is more than “shopping online”, but the pottery is artistically wonderful and you can only turn me down, right? I mean you could have used Tupperware, and I wouldn’t be bothering you. . . .

Bob Jones, Pastor
First Baptist Church
Cranbrook, British Columbia

Editor’s Note: Carl Huisman, professor of art at Calvin College, is a very gifted potter who has filled many commissions of communion pottery and sculptures for churches. His e-mail address is chuisman@calvin.edu.

Reformed Worship 52 © June 1999, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.