Editorial A Weekend at Taize: What is it that attracts people from around the world? By Emily R. Brink
Editorial From the Ends of the Earth to Geneva: A report on an international consultation on reformed worship By Emily R. Brink
Editorial Contemporary...with a Sense of History: Introducing our new associate editor By Emily R. Brink
Editorial Where Two or Three Are Gathered: The definition of what constitutes a worshiping community is changing By Emily R. Brink
Editorial "The Lord Be with You...": Learning the language of faith in a society of niches By Emily R. Brink
Editorial "Do This in Remembrance of Me": Introducing a theme issue on the Lord's Supper By Emily R. Brink
Editorial Guess Who's Coming to Worship? Moving toward the great Day of surprise and delight By Emily R. Brink
Editorial Linking Lone Voices: Why we have to start integrating pulpit and supper table By Robert De Moor
Editorial Gizmos and Grace: One example of how new technology can help worship leaders By Emily R. Brink
Editorial Changing the Way We Worship: Some peaceful guidelines for ending the worship wars By Emily R. Brink