A call to worship, litany of confession, and song suggestions for a worship service based on Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus and the storm on the Sea of Galilee, which is the Revised Common Lectionary’s gospel reading for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost.
Call to Worship (Matthew 14:33)
Reader 1: The Lord meets us here today. Here he comes walking on water!
People of God: Truly he is the Son of God!
Light the Christ candle.
Reader 2: Amidst the wind and the waves, in the center of our storms, the Lord meets us.
People of God: Truly he is the Son of God!
Pour water into the baptismal font.
Reader 3: When the storm is still and we know peace, the Lord meets us.
People of God: Truly he is the Son of God!
Reader 1: Come let us worship the Lord!
Confession and Assurance (Matthew 14:25–31)
Reader 1: Let us pray.
Blessed are you,
God of the universe,
Creator of the heavens and the earth,
Lord of the waves and the wind, King of our lives.
You are over all times and places
and yet we often doubt your ways.
We do not trust you.
We try to test you.
We clamor for empirical evidence,
that you would prove yourself to us.
We so easily forget how you humbled yourself for us,
gave yourself for us,
and continue to feed us today.
We confess that we are a fickle people of little faith.
Renew in us today the work of your Spirit
that we might boldly proclaim that you are Lord of all.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
The bread and cup are brought to the communion table.
Reader 2: On the night he was betrayed, Christ fed us knowing our doubts, knowing our fears, knowing that our faith would falter. Still, he broke his body and poured out his blood for us so that we might know true faith by being joined in the communion of the Triune God.
People of God: Praise be to God!
Song Suggestions
“He Will Hold Me Fast” Habersham and Merker
“Even Though I Walk Through the Valley” Redman
“As the Deer” Nystrom, LUYH 503, GtG 626
“Your Love Never Fails” Johnson et al.
“Jesus Paid It All” Hall, TH 308
Photo: Christus bedaart de storm, James Ensor, collection: Mu.ZEE Oostende, SM000711, Public Domain.