Letters, News & Notes

We Did It!

I thought I would send you some photos of what our visual arts committee did with your idea. The back cover of Reformed Worship is always our favorite. Thanks so much for all of your work and ideas.

Jackie Verhulst
Worship Director, Brookfield CRC,
Brookfield, Wisconsin

Thank you for the inspiration and ideas for our Good Friday service. Just thought you’d like to know how our congregation of about fifty-five families and several singles implemented and acted out “Beneath the Cross” from RW 94. Our pastor did the Scripture readings, followed by the actors’ account, and then a congregational hymn. The only lights on were the stage spotlights. We did not have a sermon, just a short homily; the actors’ accounts of their experiences at the cross told the story well. They were all dressed in costumes of biblical times. During the time of reflection, thirty-three chimes were played on the keyboard.

The service was a blessing to all who participated and attended. Once again, thank you for the ideas shared in Reformed Worship.

Millie Hoekstra
Calvary CRC, Chatham, Ontario


Reformed Worship apologizes to Calvin Seerveld for the following errors in his recent article, “Getting into Martin Luther’s Groove” (pp. 20-21, RW 95) and the accompanying music:

par. 3 should read “ascending five notes”

5th par. from end should read “ihn fällen”

The final melisma in the music is notated incorrectly. The syllables “strong-”, “con-”, “-sists”, and “-ev-”, should appear on the emphatic “f” note ½ beat with the slur beginning on that “f” and continuing to the “d.”

RW Wins Awards

Reformed Worship received several awards at the recent Associated Church Press conference in Washington, D.C. An Award of Merit (2nd place) was received for the category Best in Class, where RW was judged against other special-interest magazines. The judge, Pamela Hill Nettleton, wrote of RW: “Attractive, clean, easy-to-read, professional design that is coherent and cohesive throughout. Writing is clear, engaging, direct, and focused.”

Two articles also received awards. In the category of Bible Resource, RW received an Award of Excellence (1st place) for the Series for the Season by Esther Alsum and Thea Leunk, “Answering the Questions or Questioning the Answers?” (RW 94). The judge, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg wrote, “Excellent and practical step-by-step resource on a perennial question. It provides additional online resources as well as illustrations directly related to the sessions themselves.”

Cas Wepener’s article “Easter: A Season of ‘Social Capital’” (RW 94) won an Award of Merit (2nd place) in the category of Professional Resource. The judge, Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg, wrote that the article “offers practical information and explains concepts concisely and in an understandable fashion. Good examples for leaders/committees to implement and a useful sidebar for further reading.”

Reformed Worship is grateful for all our writers. Unlike many journals, most of our content comes to us unsolicited. We are honored to provide a platform for worship planners, leaders, and pastors to share their gifts with the broader church, so that together we may engage in a conversation about how to become better worshipers as well as better leaders and planners of worship. We look forward to hearing from more of you!

Reformed Worship 97 © September 2010, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.