From Everlasting to Everlasting: An Old/New Year's Day service based on Psalm 103


Praise the Lord, O My Soul

Call to Worship: Psalm 103:1

Hymn: "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" PSH 475, PH 478, RL 144,TH 76,77

God's Greeting

Forget Not All His Benefits

Responsive Reading: Psalm 103:2-5

Reflection: The Blessings of the Past Year

Roll Call of the Newborn, New Confessors, and New Members

[Here read the names of members born, those who made pwfession of faith, and those who became members in the past year]

Hymn of Praise:" How Vast the Benefits Divine" PsH 497, TH 470

He Does Not Treat Us as Our Sins Deserve

Prayer of Confession

Responsive Reading: Psalm 103:8-12

Reflection: The Lord's Gracious Response to Our Sinfulness

Hymn of Praise "Not What My Hands Have Done" PsH 260, TH 461

As for Us, Our Days Are Like Grass

Responsive Reading: Psalm 103:13-16

Reflection: God's Compassion on Us as Frail Mortals

Roll Call of the Saints

Let us recall the names of fellow members who have gone before us in 199_.

[All read the names of members who passed away in the previous year]

Hymn of Response: "For All the Saints" PsH 505, PH S26, RL 397, TH 358

From Everlasting to Everlasting,
God's Love Is with Us

Reflection: God's Everlasting Love—Psalm 103:17

[If a baptism is scheduled, it would be appropriate following this reflection,]

Hymn of Thanksgiving: "I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord" PsH 169

His Love Is with Those Who Keep His Covenant

Reflection: On Keeping Covenant with the Lord-Psalm 103:18

[If a profession of faith is scheduled, it would be appropriate following this reflection]

Rededication of our lives

People of God, do you believe that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God sent to redeem the world, do you love and tmst him as the one who saves you
from your sin, and do you with repentance and joy embrace him as Lord of your life?

We do.

Do you dedicate your life to God at the begin-
ning of this new year,
do you seek to develop a closer walk with him,
and to live a life of love, obedience, and service as
our Lord commands?

We do.

May God grant us all the strength to fulfill our commitment through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hymn of Dedication: "O Jesus, I Have Promised" PsH 285, PH 388, 389, RL 471, TH 654



The Lord Has Established His Throne in Heaven

Responsive Reading: Psalm 103:19-22

Hymn of Praise: "Bless His Holy Name" PsH 627

God's Blessing


Rev. Kenneth Baker retired from full-time pastoral ministry in 2018 after serving four churches in Canada and the U.S. He now serves as a Gallup Strengths Coach, mentor, and itinerant preacher.

Reformed Worship 41 © September 1996, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.