Prayer for the Fruit of the Spirit

A Litany of Confession
Our church had been on a months-long journey through the book of Acts. This prayer of confession, written in response to Acts 19:1–7, is a reminder that when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. Confession is an opportunity to admit our failures and to open space for that fruit to grow. This prayer may be led by one, two, or three leaders. Keep the piano pulsing lightly underneath the spoken parts for a gentle flow. The prayer includes the option of a sung refrain. This could be a few lines from “Spirit of the Living God” Iverson, LUYH 749, GtG 288, SSS 555, or another refrain that calls upon the Holy Spirit.

Prayer of Confession

Leader: Let us move now to a time of confession. We have praised God for his goodness, and now we see the ways we have fallen short. Scripture says that God’s kindness leads us to repentance. Let’s enter into this time with honesty, assured of the kindness of God.

For the times we have sought to control others or acted with impure intentions,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your love.

For jealousy and comparison that taints our relationships with others,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your joy.

For the times we seek our own way above the good of the other,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your peace.

Sung refrain

For our restless desire to have everything now,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your patience.

For the ways we allow hatred to fill our minds and our mouths,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your kindness.

For our unhealthy interest in the failings and fractures of others,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your goodness.

Sung refrain

For the worldly idols—success, comfort, money— that we prioritize over and above you,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your faithfulness.

For the ways we have responded in anger to the ones you have called us to love,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your gentleness.

For our selfish ambition and reckless consumption,

forgive us.

Holy Spirit, fill us with your self-control.

Sung refrain

Assurance of Pardon

Hear this good news: “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:24–25). In Jesus, we are forgiven!

Thanks be to God!

Suggested Songs

Revive Us Again Mackay, WR 463, TH 179 

Sweet, Sweet Spirit Akers, GtG 408, SSS 410

Gracious Spirit Niwaglia, LUYH 320, GtG 287, SSS 245

For Your Gift of God the SpiritClarkson, LUYH 525

Hilary Ritchie is the minister for worship and the arts at Hope Church in Richfield, Minnesota. She is passionate about the intersection of worship, history, theology, and the arts.

Reformed Worship 147 © March 2023, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.