The Spirit is Among Us: A service of expectation, renewal, and encouragement

I choose the dove
with airy wings,
soft-feathered breast,
and gentle cooing
descending on me
fresh, renewing
a voice from heaven
down to my Jordan,
bringing love.

But tongues of fire
in this swirling place
choose me and energize
my halting flame
race to be run
praise to be won
for Someone's name.

O fiery Spirit,
be the power
which I must spend
while it spends me
to light the hour.
But when I falter
be the dove
soft-feather me
with cooing love.

Bert Witvoet


Organ Prelude and Personal Prayer

Our Pentecost Prayer: "Eternal Spirit, God of Truth"
PsH 422

Dramatic Reading: The Excitement of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21; see RW 7, p. 38)

We Call on God

"Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid" PsH 425

God's Greeting and Our Spoken "AMEN!"

Our Spirits Caught Up in the Spirit of God
"Spirit of the Living God" PsH 424, PH 322, RL 726, SFL 184


The Promise of Jesus John 20:19-22

Our Prayer: "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" PsH 420, PH 316, TH 334

The Challenge of Paul: Romans 8:5-16

Our Prayer: "Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart" PsH 419, PH 326, RL 445, TH 338

The Comfort of the Spirit: Romans 8:22-27

Our Prayer: Petitions of the Congregation

Our Confidence: "There's No God as Great as You, O Lord" PsH 517, SFL 240


Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 16:5-9

Message "When Great Doors Swing Open"

Prayer of Devotion

Holy Spirit, tongue of fire,
descend upon us as you came down upon the
gathered in the upper room for prayer.
Sanctify us,
free us from the bondage of sin,
and give us your power to speak with one voice!
Spirit of the living God
cleanse our hearts and make us come alive!

Rushing Wind,
sweep over our lands,
and make your sound gather peoples again
from every tribe and language on earth!
Spirit of the living God,
fill our sails with your rushing power!

Giver of Life,
live in us,
and transform our former selves into new selves,
softened by grace and shaped by the Word of
In our hearts replace hatred with love,
accusation with dialogue,
condemnation with forgiveness,
self-centeredness with sharing,
and violence with peace.
Spirit of the living God,
mold us,
shape us,
fill us,
use us!

Power of Unity,
help us to move out of Babel and into Jerusalem.
Help us to erase the barriers of clan and race,
and find the unity of the Church.
Make the diversity of our talents and traditions
become a source of shared joy through service.
Spirit of the living God,
reconcile us in your love,
and bind us together in the one body of

Spirit of Truth,
teach us the Truth of God and make us free.
Liberate us from the powers and principalities
which oppress and alienate.
Expand our horizons with your insights,
and deepen our roots in the wisdom spoken by
the prophets, apostles, martyrs, and our Lord
Spirit of the living God,
help us to know the truth and so make us free!

Our Testimony: "The Spirit Is Among Us"

All: The Spirit is among us;
it unites us with its breath
as we travel on our journey with the Lord.
We will sing and we will dance
to express our growing faith
as the Spirit fills our bodies with its breath!

Females: The Spirit is among us;
it unites us with its breath.
There is healing in the presence of the Lord!
As we share our thoughts together
we will feel our love grow;
we'll be strengthened by the Spirit in our

Males: The joy of people sharing;
the delight within their souls
will release the soaring eagles in us all!
As we see the clearer vision
in our search for better ways,
we will rise to our tomorrows without fear.

All: The Spirit is among us;
it unites us with its breath
as we travel on our journey with the Lord.
We feel it dance within us
as we feel its joyful song
as its presence grows and strengthens in us all!

Song by Nancy Telfer; Cordon V. Thompson, Ltd. 29 Birch Ave., Toronto, ON M4V 1E2, Canada; (416) 445-3131. This song is out of print; however, the publisher will send authorized photocopies of the music on request.


Our Desire: Galatians 5:25


Our Parting Prayer: "Love, Divine, All Loves

Excelling" PsH 568, PH 376, RL 464, TH 529

God's Blessing and Our Spoken "AMEN!"

Our Doxology of praise: "Spirit, We Love You," st. 3
PsH 634, SFL 77


This service was submitted by Wayne Brouwer when he was a pastor of First Christian Reformed Church, London, Ontario. He is presently pastor of Harderwyk Christian Reformed Church, Holland, Michigan.

Wayne Brouwer is a professor at Hope College, Holland, Michigan, and the atuhor of several books and articles on worship, preaching, and congregational development.


Reformed Worship 35 © March 1995, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.