2007 Calendar of Events

How to List an Upcoming Event

To have your upcoming eventconsidered for inclusion in Reformed Worship and on our website, pleasesend your information in the format shown below to info@reformedworship.org by the following dates:

RW 85 (September issue): May 20, 2007
RW 86 (December issue): August 20, 2007
RW 87 (March 2008 issue) November 16, 2007

We reserve the right to edit submissions that are accepted for publication.

2007 Calendar of Events

June 17-22 or 24-29: Passion Through Ascension
Montreat, NC; Presbyterian Association of Musicians
For more information visit www.pcusa.org/pam, email pam@ctr.pcusa.org, or call 1-888-728-7228 ext. 5288.

June 25-29: Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and Other Occasional Services
Grand Rapids, MI; Calvin Theological Seminary
For more information, email continuing.education@calvinseminary.edu or call 616-957-8733.

July 8-13: Celebrate the Risen Christ
New Wilmington, PA; Westminster College
For more information visit www.pcusa.org/pam, email pam@ctr.pcusa.org, or call 1-888-728-7228 ext. 5288.

July 12-14: Embodying Ministry! Moving Sundays for Pastors, the Public and Performers
Grand Rapids, Michigan; Calvin Workshops in Communication and the Center for Excellence in Preaching
For information go to www.calvin.edu/gainey or email workshops2calvin.edu.

July 15-19: Celebrating Hymn Heritages
Ottawa, Ontario; The Hymn Society of the U.S. and Canada
For more information go to www.thehymnsociety.org, email administration@hymnsociety.org, or call 1-800-THE HYMN (1-800-843-4966).

October 11: Your Body and Preaching
Grand Rapids, MI; Calvin Theological Seminary
For more information go to www.calvinseminary.edu/continuingEd, email continuing.education@calvinseminary.edu, or call 616-957-8733.

October 17-20: From Water to the World
Dallas, TX; PAM West
For more information visit www.pcusa.org/pam, email pam@ctr.pcusa.org, or call 1-888-728-7228 ext. 5288.

November 7-8: Stob Lecture Series
Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin Theological Seminary
For more information go to www.calvinseminary.edu/continuingEd, email continuing.education@calvinseminary.edu, or call 616-957-8733.

Reformed Worship 84 © June 2007, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.