
New Dates for Calvin Symposium!
January 29-31, 2004

Because of the continuing growth in attendance at the Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts, the date has been changed to accommodate more people. This past January, we had the largest crowd ever (1,400) but had to turn away many disappointed people. Therefore, for next year the date will be three weeks later, January 29-31, 2004. That weekend falls between the end of the winter interim and the beginning of the spring semester. With no classes or other events scheduled that weekend, Symposium will have access to the entire campus, greatly easing the complexity of providing meals and using facilities. But still register early!

For more information contact the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website:


Doug Schonberg, pastor, and David Moody, music coordinator of Chippewa Presbyterian Church, Niagara Falls, Ontario, were co-authors of “God of All Ages,” the Series for the Season in RW 67 (March 2003, p. 30). RW regrets the omission of David Moody’s name.


COLAM 2004

July 7-10, 2004, Denver, Colorado
Mark your calendars


2003 Conferences

2003 Conferences of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM)

Montreat, NC, June 15-21 and June 22-28 (2 identical conferences)
Theme: “The Great Ends of the Church”

Westminster, PA, July 13-18
Theme: “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”

Albuquerque, NM, July 20-25
Theme: “Singing the Songs of Zion”—worshiping with the Psalms

Contact: PAM, 888-728-7228x5288;;

Lake Junaluska, NC, June 22-27, 2003
Musical and Liturgical Arts Week sponsored by the United Methodist Church (UMC). Contact: Stephen Mitchell, First UMC, 327 N. Lumpkin St., Athens, GA 30603; 706-543-1442; fax: 706-546-4797;;

Oakland, CA, June 25-28
Worship 2003, a biennial conference of music and worship. Contact: First Covenant Church, 4000 Redwood Rd., Oakland, CA 94619; 510-531-5244;

Boston, MA, June 26-29, 2003
Annual CIVA Conference (Christians in the Visual Arts) at Gordon College. Theme: “The Body: Sacred (Church & Christ), Public (Community), and Private (Self & Studio).” Contact: CIVA, 978-867-4124;

San Diego, June 29-July 3, 2003
“Living Stones 2003,” the annual conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM), “for all who lead
worship.” Contact:

Dearborn, MI, July 10-15, 2003
“Nurturing the Roots—Growing the Future.” Annual conference of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music, Worship, and the Arts. Contact: Constance Fang, 808 Sommers St, Stevens Pt., WI 54481; 715-341-1525;

Northfield, MN, July 14-18, 2003
“Blessed is the Ordinary”—the annual St. Olaf Conference on Worship, Theology, and the Arts. Contact:

Grand Rapids, MI, July 21-25, 2003
2003 Choristers Guild Seminar. Join the hundreds of children and choir directors who come to this annual event. Online registration at

Grand Rapids, MI, July 21-25, 2003
Recent History of Christian Worship, a week-long course for audit or credit taught by John D. Witvliet at Calvin Seminary. Contact: Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, 616-957-6088;

Halifax, NS, August 3-8, 2003
“From Age to Age and from Land to Land: The Transmission and Translation of Congregational Song.” The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada will host other international hymn societies in this joint meeting scheduled every six years. Come for a perspective on what is happening in congregational song around the world. Contact: 1-800-the hymn.

Halifax, NS, August 9, 2003
Worship Seminar led with members of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, at All Nations Christian Reformed Church. Contact: Rev. David Vroege,

Fort Worth, TX, September 15-18, 2003
A major Global Consultation on Music and Missions, at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS), to explore how God is drawing the nations to himself through music and related arts, with many international guests. Contact:

Grand Rapids, MI, October 30-November 1, 2003
“Christianity, Cultures, & Worship World-wide.” A conference with internationally recognized historians, anthropologists, missiologists, liturgists, and scholars of worship, sponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Seminars
in Christian Scholarship Program. For details: Contact:

Reformed Worship 68 © June 2003, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.