A Wedding Prayer

Heavenly Father, our Creator and Redeemer, we bless you and praise your name.

From the very beginning you made male and female, and longed for men and women to find love and to create new life together in marriage. Marriage, at its best, wonderfully helps us see your love for us and our faithful love for each other.

You have blessed the relationship of your children [name] and [name], and have so joined them together that they might mirror the union of Christ with his Church.

O Father, who loves us each as precious daughters and sons, be kind and good to these two in their marriage, as you promised you would.

Help them to have sensitive ears, discerning minds, and wills ready to serve each other and you. Give fresh vigor every day to your strong love in them, and strengthen their bond of peace, so that they may always take great joy in their life with you.

Lord Jesus,
[name] and [name] know little of the road ahead of
nor are they certain where it will end.
They do not really know themselves well,
and certainly they do not know each other fully.
But keep their desire to please each other and you
and never let them do anything apart from that desire.
May they trust you always,
even though at times they may seem lost
and in the shadow of death.
Keep them from ever feeling that they have to face
alone what the day may bring.
May they know that you are ever with them.

Holy Spirit,
you are the creative origin of all that we are and are
called to be.
With the many talents you have given to [name] and
[name], call them every day to ask honestly how
they may serve God best.
Guide their minds and shape their hearts so that they
may sincerely desire what you want.
Mold that desire into action:
may they together declare your gospel boldly
and serve your church.
Help them to bring companionship to the lonely,
comfort to the oppressed,
hope to those in despair.
Shape them into the people you want them to be,
caring for others in Jesus’ name.

Triune God,
you are able to accomplish immeasurably more than
we can ask or imagine.
Help [name] and [name] to grasp fully, together with all
who belong to you,
the breadth and length, the height and depth of Christ’s
which surpasses all knowledge,
in order that they may be completely filled with your
very fullness.

God, from whom every family in heaven and earth
derives its origin,
Grant [name] and [name],
out of your glorious riches,
to be strengthened in their inner selves,
through faith to have Christ dwelling daily in their
and to be rooted and grounded in love.

Come then, Lord, help your servants [name] and
bought with the price of your own blood,
and bring them,
with all your saints,
to everlasting glory. Amen.

Dale Cooper (coop@calvin.edu) is chaplain of Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He prepared this prayer for the wedding of two Calvin Seminary students.


Reformed Worship 56 © June 2000, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.