
New Psalter Hymnal Arrives

The week of April 11 was intense, to say the least. We had scheduled our first Psalter Hymnal conference in Kalamazoo, MI, on Saturday, April 16—before we discovered that the printer couldn't deliver the books until the end of April. Fortunately the printer provided a solution: he promised a small advance shipment (with hand- rather than machine-sewn bindings) just to cover that conference and one the following week in Edmonton, AB.

On Wednesday, April 13, three men carrying boxes and big grins walked into my office. There they were—the new Psalters! Needless to say, my shout of joy carried a bit, and soon the office was crammed with folks wanting to finally see and touch the real thing.

Saturday in Kalamazoo was a joyful day. Some comments: "What a clean look to the page, and the print is larger than in the old book!" "I had no idea there would be so much variety." "1100 pages!!!" "What a solid, dignified-loo king book; it feels good in the hand—not as heavy or thick as I thought it would be." "When and where is the next conference? I'd like to go to another!" "Singing from the new book today made me want to worship seven days a week!"

—Emily Brink, Psalter Hymnal Editor

Copies of the new Psalter Hymnal are available from CRC Publications: $11.95 US; $14.95 CDN.

Hymn Society: A Search for New Hymns

The Hymn Society of America has announced "A Search for New Hymns with a New Vision of the Living God." The brochure with suggestions and rules for the search includes the following statements: "God is beyond all description in name and picture. Scripture reveals a God who forbids representation or worship of graven images, yet allows great variety of word-pictures."

The emphasis is on words, though a text may also be submitted with an existing or new tune. For a copy .of the brochure, write to The Hymn Society of America, Inc., Box 30854, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129.


Major Reformed Worship Conference
A major conference will be held at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, July 12-15,1988, cosponsored by the Calvin College Music Department and Reformed Worship, Each day will include a worship service; an address; singing, discussion; many workshops for ministers, musicians, worship committee members, and anyone interested in worship; a public evening program; and evening prayers.

Each day of the conference will follow a particular theme: on Wednesday, psalms and Bible songs; on Thursday, hymns, old and new, from familiar traditions; on Friday, songs from traditions new to the Psalter Hymnal.

Additional copies of the conference brochure are available (1-800-333-8300).

July 18-21,1988, Northfield, MN
St. Olaf Conference on Theology and Music. Contact: Ronald Pechauer, Director of Church Relations, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057; (507) 663-3841.

July 24-29,1988, Kenosha, WJ
Choristers' Guild 1988 Summer Seminar, at Carthage College. For information and brochure, contact: Choristers' Guild, 2834 W. Kingsley Rd., Garland, TX 75041; (214) 271-1521.

October 1,1988, Ancaster, ON
Conference on Liturgy and Music. Sponsored by Redeemer College. Contact: Music Department, Redeemer College, Ancaster, ON L9G 3N6.

Reformed Worship 8 © June 1988, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.