Journeying to Shalom with the Prophets

A Lenten Sermon Series
During Lent, we take special care to ready our hearts for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Similarly, the prophets called God’s people Israel to prepare for God’s coming. Throughout the books of the prophets, we see a vision of what God’s kingdom looks like—a vision that could be summed up by the word shalom. More than just the absence of violence, shalom is the holistic flourishing of all of God’s creation. We look toward Easter and recognize that shalom is only possible because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. So this Lent, we look at what the prophets had to say about shalom—sometimes stark warnings, sometimes beautiful visions—in the hope that we might arrive at Easter ready to receive God’s shalom in the resurrection.


First Sunday of Lent

Looking for Shalom in All the Wrong Places

Text: Jeremiah 8:4–5, 8–11

Sermon Notes

Jeremiah had tough words for the people of Israel. They were acting in wickedness and self-destruction but did not want to be told that they were in the wrong. Isn’t that a message for us today? We prefer comfortable lies rather than painful truth. True shalom requires repentance in light of the (sometimes uncomfortable) truth.

Song Ideas

Song of the ProphetsMorgan, LUYH 53

Come to the Savior NowWigner, LUYH 613

Spirit Divine, Attend Our PrayersReed, LUYH 617, GtG 407, SSS 571

Create in Me a Clean HeartBannister

Lord, I Need YouMaher


Second Sunday of Lent

Rest in the Wilderness

Text: Isaiah 32:1–8, 14–18

Sermon Notes

God promises that wicked, oppressive leaders will have no place in his kingdom. When God pours out the Spirit, we see justice prevail and the wilderness burst to life with new growth. Shalom allows God’s people to rest.

Song Ideas

Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary LandSpiritual, LUYH 138

Jesus, Lover of My SoulWesley, LUYH 424, GtG 440, SSS 552 & 553

Beneath the Cross of JesusClephane, LUYH 167, GtG 216, SSS 166

Deliverance is a Song of PeacePartain

When We See Your FaceKauflin and Kauflin

Lord, You Hear the Cry (Lord, Have Mercy)Latty


Third Sunday of Lent

Shalom that Draws

Text: Zechariah 8:14–22

Sermon Notes

God does not let wickedness stand, but God is also eager to bless. When God’s people “render verdicts . . . that lead to peace” (NLT) and exhibit virtue, they become a light to their neighbors.

Song Ideas

Shout, for the Blessed Jesus ReignsBeddome, LUYH 261

In the Day of the LordRidge, LUYH 485

Sing to the Lord, Sing His PraiseWesley, LUYH 515

O JerusalemPorter’s Gate

Spirit, Break OutBryant

As We Seek (Hallelujah)Red Rocks Worship


Fourth Sunday of Lent

Brought Together to Dwell with God

Text: Ezekiel 37:21–28

Sermon Notes

The people of Israel had gone into exile, but God will gather them back together. God will create a covenant of shalom with them. God will dwell with God’s people, and all nations will know that God is ruler of all.

Song Ideas

O God of Every NationReid, LUYH 282, GtG 756

For the Healing of the NationsKaan, LUYH 289, GtG 346

Canto de esperanza / Song of HopeMitchell et al., LUYH 941, GtG 765, SSS 721

Gather Us InHaugen, LUYH 529, GtG 401, SSS 393

The Earth Shall KnowBailey et al.

All Glory Be to ChristKensrue


Fifth Sunday of Lent

Astonishing Shalom

Text: Isaiah 55:1–13

Sermon Notes

Shalom is good news! Food and drink flow freely; all who hunger are satisfied. God’s people lift their eyes from wickedness to see how God’s ways transcend earthly standards. When God’s people live in joy and peace, it’s not just good news for people. Even the earth rejoices!

Song Ideas

All Who Are ThirstyPerry, LUYH 807

Send Your Word, O LordImakoma, LUYH 767

Table of PlentySchutte, LUYH 808

Speak, O LordGetty and Townend, LUYH 755, SSS 561

Come As You AreGlover et al.

We Will FeastMcCracken and Moore, SSS 370


Palm Sunday

True Humility

Text: Zechariah 9:9–10

Sermon Notes

The Israelites were wondering how they would ever be a prosperous nation again. God promised that he would send them a king, but this king would be humble and destroy the weapons of war. On Palm Sunday, Jesus embodied this prophecy by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. On Good Friday, in what seemed like a defeat, he disarmed death itself.

Song Ideas

Ride On, Ride On in MajestyMilman, LUYH 149, GtG 198

Rejoice, O Zion’s DaughterStuempfle, LUYH 151

At the Name of JesusNoel, LUYH 220, GtG 264, SSS 657


Jesus MessiahTomlin et al.

Joy to BeEichelberger and Bolen

Hilary Ritchie is the minister for worship and the arts at Hope Church in Richfield, Minnesota. She is passionate about the intersection of worship, history, theology, and the arts.

Reformed Worship 150 © December 2023, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.