
More on Cats

I continue to be challenged, informed, and inspired by your excellent publication.

Thank you for printing two of what I hope were many responses to the printing of “Two Gray Cats” (RW 63), and for your editorial comment. As Reformed Christians, we need to celebrate the doctrines of grace, not apologize for them. We need to ask God to help us rejoice in our own calling and to spread the gospel so that others who have been called might also hear and believe. Let’s be careful not to suggest that there are those who look to the Lord for salvation but are rejected. It is one thing to be baffled by the biblical picture of election and another entirely to be baffled by an illustration of election filled with fatal flaws.

Again, you and your staff are doing an excellent job. I especially enjoy reading Ron Rienstra’s reflections on planning LOFT services. I pray that the Lord will give you many more years of ministry to those of us who are working in the worship and music field.

John Bennetch
Director of Worship
Covenant Presbyterian PCA
Harrisonburg, Virginia

Appreciates Ethnomusicology

Thank you so much for your wonderful periodical, which I’ve received since the beginning. The last issue (RW 65) was especially exhilarating, in that it featured a number of ethnomusicological matters, and this is close to my heart.

I really appreciate the work you are doing for God’s kingdom, and wish you every blessing in your ministry.

Bill Edgar
Westminster Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Another Visit to Taizé

I was interested to read your editorial article about your visit to Taizé (RW 64). I thought you might be interested in the differences between my experience there about eight years ago and yours. I went in late June—definitely not a slow time there! Lots of people there from many different places.

My friends and I arrived midafternoon. We were encouraged to join one of the discussion groups that had formed to discuss the morning lesson, and were directed to the area where the adults were gathered. (Groups of younger people met elsewhere.) We walked around until we found a group speaking our language and joined about a dozen people from places such as Australia, Great Britain, and the U.S. We also joined with the others in a simple meal and then attended the evening worship service. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they had a pipe organ that was used for all of the songs, as I recall. There were also other instruments (flute, I remember) playing descants to the songs, adding variety to the repetitions. I remember fondly the peace, acceptance, and international character of Taizé. Worshiping there was a real highlight.

Candy Bielema Steen
Midland Park Christian Reformed Church
Midland Park, New Jersey

Reformed Worship 66 © December 2002, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.