
I have read through the first issue. Great job! A beautiful blend of articles that call for reflection and also rich in worship resources. I am sure that we will be using its resources copiously in our church.

Henry Admiraal
Seymour CRC, Grand Rapids, MI

Congratulations on your first issue of Reformed Worship! The copy has been circulated throughout the staff and some immediate needs have been met by the resources suggested, especially in the areas of Thanksgiving and Advent Wreath. The lectionary article was particularly reinforcing as we use the lectionary in all of our worship planning. It is practical help and ideas such as found on page 29 in the creative use of bells, as well as very good repertoire lists, that will make this new journal of particular help to us out in the boondocks. I have taken a subscription and have ordered one for our Worship Enrichment Committee.

Kenneth E. Williams
First PCUSA, Bartlesville, OK

The initial copy of Reformed Worship came yesterday. My wife saw the magazine and immediatly set aside other things to read it. As she read, she commented that this magazine had a lot of good for a church like our church, and she suggested I forward the copy to certain key persons, which I did. Her eager reading was impressive. Also today our bulletin secretary called, saying she would like to print out the entire order of worship (instead of just bulletin information) and be able to include some of the things this magazine mentioned.

Joseph A. Brinks
Sulley CRC, Sulley, IA

Reformed Worship is such a welcome breath of fresh air for the discussion of what it means to be Reformed and to worship Almighty God.

Norman Kansfield
The Ambrose Swasey Library
Colgate Rochester Divinity
School, Rochester, NY

You're right—we've been waiting for you! Those who feel a need to plan their worship services rather than fill-in-the-blanks from week to week need practical assistance.

Your Number One is already quite dog-eared, fingerprinted, marked and photocopied. I like it. I do have a complaint, however, don't you think you could publish once a week?

Thanks for your contribution to our ministry here in south suburban Boston.

Curt Lovelace
Grace PCA, Braintree, MA

I received your sample copy of Reformed Worship today. I was excited about what it could offer me and my people as I desire to receive help in the area of worship. Like Calvin Bolt, I am not a "liturgical expert."

However after reading his interview and skimming the article on Advent Wreaths, I was so disappointed that I will not be ordering a subscription (I had planned to order at least two). The reasons I will give you with the hope that they will help you and your important goal of helping God's people worship him.

1. You seem to have forgotten the principle of the "regulative principle." The article on Advent Candles, with colors of candles and meanings for the colors, etc., is the example. There is no biblical basis for such in the worship of God. Further, giving meanings to colors is foolish, if not Roman.

2. Bolt's repeated emphasis on "the worship experiece" shows that Bolt has forgotten that the most important point in worship is not what man gets out of it, but God and what God gets out of  it.

John Garrisi
Bonita OPC, Bonita, CA

Congratulations on your first edition of Reformed Worship. Receiving your journal was an absolute pleasure. You are filling a tremendous need by assisting churches in improving and deepening their worship of God, the most important activity on earth and in heaven. Being a Presbyterian (RCA.) minister I want to express my deep gratitude for your including the wider Reformed community within the scope of your journal. My only criticism of Reformed Worship is that it only comes out four times a year!

Stephen D. Wood
Auburn Road PCA, Venice, FL

Picked up the first issue of Reformed Worship this morning, and read it through from cover to cover. As a pastor who has always tended toward the side of traditionalism in worship, I figured you'd want some reactions. I'm tickled pink! The magazine is great; its suggestions are thoroughly Reformed. I am confident that RW will greatly enhance the biblical worship of our God, and for that I am truly thankful.

John R. Sittema
First Pella CRC, Pella, IA

Someone showed us a copy of Reformed Worship recently, and we were greatly impressed.

Congratulations! Content and graphics were of the highest quality.

Allan W. Mahnke
Augsburg Publishing House,
Minneapolis, MN

Reformed Worship 2 © December 1986, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.